Method & Equipment
Standard Methods and Procedures
The laboratory adopts the policy of using standard methods in all the testing wherever possible. This can avoid disputed and give better confident to our clients. Methods such as AOAC, AOCS, APHA, ASTM, DOE, EPA, FDA, FOSFA, Gafta, GB/T, ISO, JIS, MPOB, MS, SLS and etc which are internationally recognised are employed wherever possible. In-house method provided by customer can also be run by our professional staff.
List of several high tech & advanced equipments
The company is equipped with a number of high-tech equipment, and is capable of performing most of the analysis for Oils, Foodstuff, Water and Other sample. Some of the equipment that we have listed as below.

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
For the identification of unknown volatile compounds and trace residues confirmation, such as trace pesticides residues. We also provide analysis testing for 3-MCPD and glycidol fatty acid esters under AOCS method B and C.

Headspace and Gas Chromatography
Capable of testing volatile impurities, fatty acids, saturated fats and unsaturated fats, methyl
esters, organic chemicals and components, organochlorinated pesticides…

Purge and Trap Concentrator
Sample preparation instrument for removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) out of aqueous and solid sample types and release the VOCs into GC system.

High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
For the determination of vitamins, preservatives, organic contaminants, etc.

Elemental Analyzer
For the determination of Sulphur, Chloride, Nitrogen.

SFC Analyzer
For the determination of solid fat content.

Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
Advanced technology equipment for the analysis of very trace metallic contents and non-metallic compounds such as sulphur.

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) with FIAS System
Capable to analyze most of the trace elements in water, mineral contents in foodstuffs, edible oil and so on with Hydride System.

Karl Fischer Titrator
Monitor moisture content in chemical samples, solvent and samples with very low water content.

UV-VIS II Spectrophotometer
Capable of measuring concentration of an analyte, turbidity, colour, etc.

Semi-Auto PMCC Flash Point Apparatus
Measurement of flash point on diesel, heating oil, kerosene and other potentially flammable liquids.

Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter
Measuring the heat of combustion or calorific value of a material such as fuel, coal, hydrocarbon fuels, crops, combustible materials, etc.

Lovibond Tintometer
Colour measurement of liquid samples in terms of Lovibond units.

To speed up determination of density and specific gravity.

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Reader
Determination of quantitatively detect an antigen within a sample.

Microwave Digester
For preparing variety of samples from PKE, Sand, Pharmaceuticals, etc to get ready for Elemental Analysis.